I cannot work out what I think about genetic engineering but now I have an idea for business! Imagine if a company no matter how big could be run by one super human being. No communication difficulties, no unfairness, no lack of clarity, no fighting over the best desk, the savings on flipchart paper at meetings would be enormous! They would have
- One brain that is beautifully balanced between logic, futuristic, empathy and rational. Even more it chooses automatically the right part of the brain to use.
- A small mouth and 27 ears to listen to customers without butting in.
- One soul that lives and breaths the values in everything it does.
- Telescopic eyes that sees right into the future
- An incredible digestive system that can take in ideas filter them, removing the **** and using the best to create energy and excitement
- Powerful leg muscles that can make you run faster than any of your competitors.
- Extendable arms that reach out to the community
- Extensive shoulders that can cope with the weight of responsibility and still function correctly
- Hair that stands on end when it sees a great idea
Now that would be a great idea for the genetic scientists to work on, then we could all retire and watch these people and their talents bring colour to the world.
Hi Anna
I loved this idea! But you know it set me off thinking about all the people I've worked with over the years and I realised it was their quirks, their foibles, their strange habits, the things that drove me round the twist...that I now remember with the greatest affection. I guess it's what made them who they were.
We're strange creatures us humans, aren't we?
Posted by: Joanna Young | Mar 31, 2007 at 04:15 PM
Do you know I 100% agree - we need to build some unusual habits into our ideal employee!
Posted by: Anna Farmery | Mar 31, 2007 at 07:01 PM