I am always amazed at how many people do not understand the brand that they sell, or the consumers who buy the brand. Yes they may have read the research or seen a few graphs but that is not really UNDERSTANDING the consumer...it is more than that....
I say brand because it is more than a product, it is how people feel because they are using your product or service. I have always believed that there are 4 steps to living your brand, 4 steps to creating customer brand engagement
1) You should be the number 1 customer of the brand. Now clearly I can see some issues here with certain products that are sex specific for example, but in the main you should be a consumer or have consumers within your friends and family.
2) You should watch the shopping experience closely. How do people search for your product, where do they look, what triggers the need, what kind of experience are they looking for? On line you can do this using analytics and heat maps for your site, but in retail for me it is even easier.....watching how people shop is so important to creating the experience that matches the need.
3) You should know how people make the decision to purchase by being there when the sale is made.
4) You should work on the front line of customer service to see the health of the brand, day by day.
As Gandi would have said
Be the consumer you want to have in the world!
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Posted by: Shweta Jha | Oct 16, 2008 at 02:35 PM
you brand should nevcer look like you, should be what you want to be, and it is hard..
Posted by: zapatos | Oct 20, 2008 at 02:41 PM
This is concise, sharp and focused.Every brand needs a chief reception director to make the experience great.
Posted by: olaito,oluyinka | Oct 30, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Hey this is amazing information found here.... really it's very interesting. Thanks very much for sharing it. Very helpful steps to live your brand. Thanks very much!
Posted by: online generic levitra | Aug 26, 2010 at 11:07 AM