Jan 15, 2010

Show 279 - Jack Trout on Marketing Show 279 of The Engaging Brand leadership and marketing podcast is ready just for you. To subscribe or listen on your PC now - both for free, you don't need to download anything - all explained at the end of the post and brought by our sponsor: GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days. I am delighted to be joined by Jack Trout one of my favourite marketing authors and strategists. Jack has written a new book called Repositioning which looks at how companies need to evolve their marketing strategies to secure future growth. We discuss Do people overcomplicate marketing? What Jack means by repositioning? How to evolve your marketing brand over time. How to recognise a marketing strategy going wrong The importance of living and thinking outside the company How to create innovation How to be innovative within functions Is there a risk of changing for change sake How to win the argument for change How to develop your marketing skills Don't forget to subcribe to the show in iTunes or on the Blubrry site. If you have feedback for me on the show or topics that you would like me to cover then e-mail me at [email protected] or join me on twitter. How you can listen to the Engaging Brand 1) You can listen on your PC now without downloading any software just click hear to listen to the latest marketing podcast 2) You can subscribe to the show via iTunes or 3) If you use a different podcatcher then you can subscribe using the following http://www.podcasternews.com/feeds/enbr.xml
Show 280 - The Challenges of B2B Marketing Show 280 of The Engaging Brand leadership and marketing podcast is ready just for you. To subscribe or listen on your PC now - both for free, you don't need to download anything - all explained at the end of the post and brought by our sponsor: GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days. I am delighted to be joined by Suzanne Lowe, president of Expertise Marketing, LLC. She is an analyst, advisor, writer and speaker on the best practices and emerging strategies in professional services marketing. She has just written a book called Integration Imperative and we discuss Is Business to business marketing different to business to consumer? Is B2B marketing easier? The subjectivity of a marketing strategy. Is a marketing strategy in B2B best built over the medium term? How B2B marketing is about all functions The friendship model of marketing In these recessionary times what should professional services be doing? Outside trust starts with inside honesty. Don't forget to subcribe to the show in iTunes or on the Blubrry site. If you have feedback for me on the show or topics that you would like me to cover then e-mail me at [email protected] or join me on twitter. How you can listen to the Engaging Brand 1) You can listen on your PC now without downloading any software just click hear to listen to the latest marketing podcast 2) You can subscribe to the show via iTunes or 3) If you use a different podcatcher then you can subscribe using the following http://www.podcasternews.com/feeds/enbr.xml

Anna Farmery

Social Marketing Architect, Speaker, Author and in spare time completing PhD on the future of the social business model

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