Sep 06, 2010

Show 302 - How Imitation Compliments Innovation Show 302 of The Engaging Brand leadership and marketing podcast is ready just for you. To subscribe or listen on your PC now - both for free, you don't need to download anything - all explained at the end of the post. Professor Shenkar joins Anna Farmery on The Engaging Brand podcast to talk about how imitation can be critical to business. The interview is based on his business book Copycats. Oded has advised multinational firms, national and state governments and international organizations and is a member of the Conference Board Council of Integration Executives. We discuss Why is imitation critical to business? Why imitation is not necessarily a copy... Can people be imitated? If you are not being imitated, you are not pushing the boundaries! How imitation from your competitors, is 20 years quicker now! Can you protect innovation? Is there such a thing as innovation? Hasn't everything been invented? Why is imitation so undervalued? How the web can be seen as imitation not innovation.... Don't forget to subscribe to the show in iTunes or on the Blubrry site. If you have feedback for me on the show or topics that you would like me to cover then e-mail me at [email protected] or join me on twitter. How you can listen to the Engaging Brand 1) You can listen on your PC now without downloading any software just click hear to listen to the latest marketing podcast 2) You can subscribe to the show via iTunes or 3) If you use a different podcatcher then you can subscribe using the following

Anna Farmery

Social Marketing Architect, Speaker, Author and in spare time completing PhD on the future of the social business model

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