How many times have you talked yourself out of doing something?
How many times have you had a meeting and a devils advocate manages to drain all the energy out of your idea?
How many times do you end up working in the business rather than on the business?
In coaching sessions it is amazing how many times the main competitor that a business owner their own fear, their own lack of real strategy.
Understanding what you want to achieve, having a plan to achieve it and then trusting in yourself to both amend and deliver, is so vital to commercial success. Four questions to help you move from being your biggest competitor to your biggest asset
- Make sure you are not stopping yourself from thinking about the business by being "busy" in the business. Bet you can spare 30 minutes a week at least?
- Make sure that you are clear about the objectives which you want to achieve in the next 6 months, 12 months and 3 years. If you are doing something that is not working towards them....why?
- Make sure that you listen to your fears, that you weigh up the risks but then find a way of moving forward. Standing still will lead to failure.....moving forward is not about risk, it is about removing the risk!
- Competitors would love to slow you down.....yet we manage that so well ourselves!....what obstacles are stopping you, whats not working, what blocks are there? remove them!!
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