Jan 19, 2011

Show 319 - Creating a Safe Culture Show 319 of The Engaging Brand leadership and marketing podcast is ready just for you. To subscribe or listen for free, you don't need to download anything and all explained at the end of the post. Aubrey Daniels Ph.D the world’s foremost authority on applying the scientifically-proven laws of human behavior to the workplace joins Anna Farmery on The Engaging Brand podcast to talk about safety and the use of behavioural analysis from his new business book Safe by Accident Do we all define safety in the same way? Should we be aiming higher than a minimum standard of safety and health of our teams? Has legislation taken away good old common sense in relation to Health and Safety? Do we think of safety too narrowly? Is it about everything around us including safety in relation to the community, to nature etc Is safety about checklists or about behavourial analysis? What creates the right culture for a safe workforce? Why you should incentivise safe behaviour not the reduction in incidents Do we rely too much on technology to keep us safe? How can you use technology to keep us safe? 5 Steps to improve behaviour Is there a link between safety and profitability? How safety is not about engineering and operations...how every Don't forget to subscribe to the show in iTunes or on the Blubrry site. If you have feedback for me on the show or topics that you would like me to cover then e-mail me at [email protected] or join me on twitter. How you can listen to the Engaging Brand 1) You can listen on your PC now without downloading any software just click hear to listen to the latest marketing podcast 2) You can subscribe to the show via iTunes or 3) If you use a different podcatcher then you can subscribe using the following RSS Feed

Anna Farmery

Social Marketing Architect, Speaker, Author and in spare time completing PhD on the future of the social business model

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